Dubai Racing V1.4.0 MOD Apk + Data

Dubai Racing V1.4.0 MOD Apk + Data
Free Download Dubai Racing V1.4.0 MOD Apk + Data - Nah, bagi sobat Davincy86 yang sangat menyukai game balapan mobil yang dapat sobat mainkan pada ponsel android yang sobat miliki, kini EA sebagai publisher game ini membawa kabar gembira untuk sobat Davincy86, yaitu dengan di rilisnya sekuel terbaru yaitu Dubai Racing V1.4.0. Dalam game terbarunya ini sobat bisa merasakan serunya balapan di Dubai Audorome (secara virtual tentunya), juga mendapatkan sejumlah pilihan mobil - mobil baru yang lebih modern dan menarik. Bukan hanya pilihan mobil - mobil balap saja yang dapat sobat rasakan keseruannya dalam game ini, ada pula beberapa tambahan lintasan balap yang lebih menantang yang akan membuat sobat Davincy86 betah untuk berlama - lama memainkan game Dubai Racing MOD Apk. Bagi sobat Davincy86 yang ingin merasakan keseruan dari Game balapan mobil untuk android yang satu ini, sobat dapat mendownloadnya secara gratis hanya di Davincy86.

  • EXOTIC SUPER FAST CARS : For the first time, race in the famous Dubai Police supercars. Choose from an elite collection of exotic, custom made, tuned for highest performance cars.
  • CHALLENGING CAREER MODE : Play against opponents from 6 different hoods and conquer their territory. Experience more than 300 adrenaline filled events
  • BREATHTAKING LOCATIONS : Compete in more than 15 locations, all across Dubai. Covering the most iconic locations in the world.
  • CUSTOMIZATION : With more than 70 customizable variations, 6 upgradable parts, and car tuning features. Customize your cars to the one you always wanted.
  • SOCIALLY CONNECTED : Connect with your Facebook friends and challenge them or ask them for help to progress.
  • CREW : Now you can hire driver to compete with you, for you, in the events. Train them to make them more skilled. Create your team of highly skilled drivers, to battle against the enemy cars.
  • TEAM vs TEAM : Events became more exciting with team vs team. Race with your team drivers to fight against the opponent. Create the best combination of drivers to win the most difficult of the matches.
  • TEAM MANAGEMENT : Let your drivers win races for you. You can just manage your team and analyze their performance in the race.
  • FIND A MATCH : Now you can race with people from all around the world. Earn trophies and defend your position.
  • LEAGUES : The trophies that you earn puts you in different leagues. Earn more trophies to climb up the leagues to ultimate LEGENDS.
  • CLANS : Create your Car Clan or join your friend’s Clan. Help your Clan members and discuss strategies with them.
  • BATTLE LOG : Keep track of all the matches in battle log. Check who attacked you, when you were offline and take revenge from them!
  • SHIELD : Secure your garage by buying shield. You can get automatic shield if someone attacks you and wins.

  • Unlimited Gold.
  • Unlimited Cash.

REQUIRED : Android OS 2.3 And Up (Mode : Offline)

  1. Install Apk.
  2. Place data folder in SDCard/Android/Obb/.
  3. Finish and play.

Dubai Racing V1.4.0 MOD Apk + Data Dubai Racing V1.4.0 MOD Apk + Data
Dubai Racing V1.4.0 MOD Apk + Data Dubai Racing V1.4.0 MOD Apk + Data

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