HTTP Injector is a professional tool to set custom HTTP header. It's used to connect your SSH/Proxy with custom header and also it can access blocked websites behind firewall with SSH tunneling support & proxy server.
This tools is for professional users only
- Connected but no internet? Please tick Google DNS and DNS Forwarding
- Crashing or having problem? Email us to get it resolved
- Crashing or having problem? Email us to get it resolved
- Secure your connection using SSH tunnel
- Modify outgoing requests.
- No root needed [Choose between VPN mode or iptables (root)]
- Specify alternate proxy servers to send a request through
- Provide alternate headers and ability to strip headers from incoming http responses
- Build in Host Checker and IP Hunter
- Build in SSH client (Similar to Bitvise)
- Payload Generator
- Support Android 2.3 to Android 6.0
- Google DNS / DNS Proxy
- Data Compression
- IP Route
- Battery saver
- Ability to change buffer size, etc
Provider Mode
- Exported config is encrypted
- Lock and protect the settings from users
- Set custom message for customer
- Hardware ID lock
How to use:
Import config file created by other users (You can find it in your local group/group chats)
Use payload generator with normal mode if you don't know how to write the payload
Method 1 (SSH)
- Fill in proxy and SSH server info and press start
- Fill in proxy and SSH server info and press start
Method 2 (VPN)
- Uncheck "Start SSH" and fill in payload & proxy and press start
- On your VPN, set it to listen
Example for OpenVPN:
You have to add http-proxy 8989 and bypass route route replace_to_your_remote_proxy_ip net_gateway (change "replace_to_your_remote_proxy_ip" to IP) to your VPN config.
- Uncheck "Start SSH" and fill in payload & proxy and press start
- On your VPN, set it to listen
Example for OpenVPN:
You have to add http-proxy 8989 and bypass route route replace_to_your_remote_proxy_ip net_gateway (change "replace_to_your_remote_proxy_ip" to IP) to your VPN config.
Beta Tester:
NETWORK_STATE & INTERNET - Internet access
READ/WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE - import/export config file
VIBRATE - Connection notification alert [optional]
WAKE_LOCK - Prevent disconnection during device sleep [optional]
Yang Baru
v4.0.0 - Security improvement only, more updates coming soon, please uninstall xinstaller if you installed it
- Config creator, make sure you & users are using latest app import/generate.
Apa saja fitur dari HTTP Injector 4.0.0 APK Terbaru ini :
1. Mengamankan koneksi internet Agan menggunakan jalur koneksi SSH
2. Memodifikasi permintaan koneksi keluar
3. Menentukan proxy server alternatif untuk mengirim permintaan
4. Memberikan header alternatif dan mampu untuk melakukan strip header dari respon http masuk Bug Host Checker dan IP Hunter
5. Build in SSH Client (Hampir serupa dengan Bitvise SSH Client)
6. Payload Generator
7. Bisa digunakan tanpa Root. Nah ini ! Cocok bagi Agan yang ragu atau masih takut melakukan Root pada HP Android. Agan memiliki pilihan untuk menggunakan iptables (root) atau mode VPN (tanpa root).
8. Mendukung OS Android 2.3 sampai Android 6.0
9. DNS Proxy
10. Data Compression (Layaknya zlib yang ada di Bitvise SSH Client)
11. IP Route
12. Kemampuan untuk mengubah ukuran buffer
13. Dan beberapa fitur lainnya.
Apa saja yang baru dari HTTP Injector 4.0.0 APK Terbaru ini :
Perbaikan fitur Tethering dan crashes (kesalahan aplikasi)
Penghapusan pemaksaan update. Itu lo yang disuruh download lagi dari Play Store.
Penambahan fitur IP Hunter, Bug Host Checker and Tools
Penambahan Hardware ID dan mode penguncian lebih untuk config yang diekspor
Split inject mode
Apa saja yang diperbaiki di HTTP Injector 4.0.0 APK Terbaru ini :
1. New VPN Connect mode
2. New Payload Generator
3. Beberapa bug dalam HTTP Injector dan lainnya
Langsung saja. Silahkan Download HTTP Injector 4.0.0 APK Terbaru ini di salah satu server file dibawah ini :
Screenshot :
Screenshot :
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